Cumartesi, Temmuz 01, 2006

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Cuma, Haziran 30, 2006

The Story of Trojan War

The tale of Troy is told by Homer with the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer was drawing on a vast cycle of stories about Trojan War. The Iliad includes a few weeks in the tenth year of the war.
According to Greek sources, Troy stood near the Dardanelles. There was no dispute about its location in the story were al familiar: the Dardanelles, the islands of Imbros, Samothrace and little Tenedos, Mount Ida to the south east, the plain and the river Scamander. It was an ancient city an its inhabitants were known as Teucrians or Dardanians but also as Trojans or Ilians which got this name from eponymous hereos, Tros and his uncle Ilus, the inventors of the city. In other source mentioned that Troy and Ilius were two seperate places but Homer insists on using these two names for Troy. there was no explanation about that.
The most famous tale in Homer epic about Trojan War and wodden horse. On the mainland of Greece in this time , the most powerful king was Agamemnon. His residance was at Mycenae. At this time, the inhibitants of Greece called themselves as Arhaians, Danaans, or Argiues not Greeks or Hellenes. Agamemnon had married Clytemnestra, dauther of Tyndareus of Sparta and sister to Helen. Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world. she had married with Agamemnon's brother Menelaos who became king in Lakonia. Two brothers had a great power in southern Greece.
On the other hand, in Troy Laomedon was the king of Ilios, the son of Ilus who ha given his name to Troy. Laemedon tried to cheat the gods of their rewards. He would not give up the immortal snow - white horses sent by Herakles (Hercules). But Herakles sailed to the Troad (Troy), attacked, and captured the city. leomedon and his sons were killed except the youngest, Podarces, survided. Podarces was released and took a new name, Priam as a young king of Troy and the city restored again.
Priam ruled over Troy successfully three generation. he had fifty sons and twelve dauthers. his eldes son was the great worrior Hector. And his one of the sons, Paris, was the important instrument in the Troy History.
The famous myth tells , Eris -strife- had thrown down a golden apple 'for the fairest' at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, and Zeus, king of gods, couldn't bring himself to adjudicate in the nesuing dispute between his queen, Hera, Athena (goddess of wishdom), and Aphrodite (goddess of love). The goddesses were led to the Trojan Mount Ida where Priam's most beautiful son Paris was living. Hera offered him lordship of all Asia; Athena, victory in war and wisdom beyond any other man; Aphrodite, the most beatiful woman in the world, helen of Sparta and as usual men being men, stories being stories, Paris gave the apple to her (Helen).
The tale is simple and quite realistic. Paris goes to Sparta to give the apple to Helen. Menelous, husband of Helen gives a feast for him. Whenever Menelous left from there to see the king of Knossos, Helen and Paris run away and sailed to Troy. But there is some controdiction in this part, some source says that Paris carried of Helen by force and plundered elsewhere in the Aegean sea before returning to Troy.
When Menelous heard what happened, he begged his brother Agamemnon to take revange. The king sends envoys to Troy to demand Helen's restitution but envoys come back with empty hands. Then Menelous collects an army. In the story, great hereos were Archilles, Odysseus (Ulysses) and Ajax. At Aulis, the army seers read the signs that Troy woul fall in the tenth year of the war. Then Menelous army sailed to Asia Minor and in error attacked Teuthrania in Mysia opposite of Lesbos, but they had mistaken according to Trojan territory and the army were beaten at the mouth of the Caicus river and driven back to their ship by Telephus, king of Mysia and ally of Troy.
The Greeks assembled again at Aulis but they were windbound and unable to sail. Wings, hunger, evil harbourage, crzing men, routing ships and cables stoped the Greek army, because Agamemnon had offended Artemis and his most beatiful douther had to be sacrificed to change the fortune.
After sacrification of Iphigenia, the army reached first Lesbos, then Tenedos which is an island that is visible from Troy. The islands were plundered. At the end, Greek army was at the bay of Troy. The Trojans also had allies from several places in Asia Minor and Thrace. The war took 10 tears. in the tenth year of the war, the Greeks stoped raiding Asia Minor and attacked Troy. In a part of Homer's Iliad, hector falls in a single combat with Archilles, the best Greek warrior, the figth was finished with the death of hector and Archilles' friend Patroclus. Archilles sacrificed twelve noble Trojan captives over hector's Funeral pyre. after death of Trojan ally memnon in battle at the Scaeon gate, Paris strikes Archilles in his heel (the famous 'Archilles heel' comes from here) ,the only place where Archilles was vulnerable. And the greatest of all Greek hereos was burned and his ashes burried on a headland overlooking the Helespond. Ajax commited suicide with the silver-studded sword whish had been given to him by Hector as a mark of respect. Somehow Priam's son Paris killed by Philoktetes, but the Trojans stil refused to give Helen up.
A wooden horse was built to gain acces to the city as a plan. well armed men among them Odysseus of Ithaca and Menelous himself hidden in it. The horse was left as a thank to Athena and the Greeks burned their camps and sailed as if they had given up. Trojan found the horse and the ashes of the camp and pulled the horse into the city. 'It was midnight', says a fragment from the epic known as the little Iliad, 'and full moon was raising'. The soldiers jumped down from horse and opened the gates by killing the sentries. the Greeks entered the city and killed all Trojans where ever they found them. After the Greek massacre, none of the male sex was left in the city. Neoptolemus killed old Priam on the threshold of his royal house. the male children of Trojam hereos were slaughtered. hector's little boy was thrown from the walls. Meneleos determined to kill Helen but in front of her beuty, he gave up to kill her. After the Greeks, plundered and burned Troy was left.
But this victory brought only more suffering to the Greeks. They were split up by storms and lost their ways to return. agamemnon, the king of Greeks was killed by his wife. Philoktetos was expelled from Thessaly by rebels.

Summary of Xenophon of Ephesus' Ephesian Romance

Book 1
One of the most influential citizens of Ephesus, Lycomedes, and his wife, Themisto, had a son called Habrocomes. As he grew up, he became more and more handsome, as well as accomplished in the practices of Greek culture. All admired him almost as a god, and were sure that he was destined for great things. But Habrocomes was arrogant, despising everyone as beneath him. Now at the age of sixteen he even rejected Eros, and claimed that he was more powerful than the god. Eros became very angry at this, and, although he knew it would be difficult, set out against Habrocomes with all his weapons. A festival of Artemis then was in progress, and at its head was the fourteen year old Anthia, who herself was of almost divine beauty. Habrocomes is leading the ephebes in this procession, and thus they meet and fall into profound love at first sight. Anthia even tries to let Habrocomes see as much as she is able to reveal at that moment of her body. Deeply wounded they go back to their homes. Habrocomes at first tries to resist love, but finally capitulates, begging Eros for forgiveness. But Eros is still determined to exact vengeance. In the following days Habrocomes and Anthia begin to waste away, and their parents, worried, first send for priests and diviners, and finally send a request to the oracle of Apollo at Colophon. The god's response comes back:
Why do you yearn to learn the end of a malady, and its beginning? One disease has both in its grasp, and from that the remedy must be accomplished But for them I see terrible sufferings and toils that are endless, Both will flee over the sea pursued by madness; They will suffer chains at the hands of men who mingle with the waters; And a tomb will be the burial chamber for both, and fire the destroyer; And beside the waters of the river Nile, to Holy Isis The Savior you will afterwards offer rich gifts; But still, after their sufferings a better fate is in store. (Anderson's translation).
When the oracle is brought to their parents, they have no idea what dangers the oracle might be predicting, but they decide to do the best they can and marry the pair and then send them on a trip abroad. The whole city celebrates their marriage, and the lovers themselves have a passionate wedding night, with Anthia taking the initiative. But after the honeymoon the parents, in order to try to mollify the oracle, decide to send the couple away from Ephesus for a while, and they leave with much heartache. They set sail, and first land at Samos, where they sacrifice, and then head toward Rhodes. In their conversations in route Anthia and Habrocomes swear eternal faithfulness to each other. They finally put into Rhodes, and the Rhodians gather, amazed at the couple's beauty, wondering if they are divine, and some even offering worship. The couple in turn dedicate a gold panoply to Helius with the following inscription.
After a few days they set sail again, and soon the wind becomes slack. The sailors begin to drink, and Habrocomes has a dream which suggests an impending disaster from which only Anthia and he will escape. And, sure enough, we learn that they have been followed from Rhodes by Phoenician pirates under leadership of a certain Corymbus. Taking advantage of the idleness of the crew of the ship the pirates easily seize it. Habrocomes and Anthia fall at Corymbus' feet and plea for their lives. The pirates put the treasure, along with the couple, on their vessel, and set fire to the captured ship, whose crew and passengers are burned to death, except for Habrocomes' old tutor, who jumps overboard, pleading with Habrocomes not to leave him, and finally drowns. The pirates come to shore at their hideout near Tyre, which was commanded by the pirate leader Apsyrtus. By this time Corymbus has fallen in love with Habrocomes. He enlists the help of a fellow pirate Euxinus, who is in love with Anthia. They agree to help each other acquire the object of their passion. In the subsequent interviews, during which the pirates mingle promises with threats, both Anthia and Habrocomes do not reject the proposals, but only ask for time to think matters over.
Book 2
The couple return to their quarters, weep and bemoan their vile prospects, and vow to commit suicide rather than give in. But at this moment the chief Apsyrtus arrives and takes Habrocomes and Anthia as his share of the booty, saving them from Corymbus and Euxinus. Apsyrtus then takes them as slaves to his estate in Tyre. When Apsyrtus goes off on business, his daughter Manto falls in love with Habrocomes, and gets Rhode, Anthia's loyal slave, to talk to Anthia. Rhode tells her of Manto's passion and reminds Anthia of what a barbarian's wrath is like if thwarted. Rhode also enlists the aid of her fellow slave and lover Leucon, who in turn speaks to Habrocomes, who rebukes any suggestion that he give in to Manto, and declares himself ready for any torture that she might devise. But Anthia suggests that Habrocomes in fact give in. Meanwhile, impatient Manto writes a letter, proposing to Habrocomes directly, and, when Habrocomes rejects her, Manto goes to her father, who has just returned with Moeris, the man he intends his daughter to marry, and tells him she has been raped by Habrocomes. Habrocomes is arrested and tortured. While Habrocomes is in the dungeon, Manto gets married to Moeris. Anthia is given to Manto, along with Leucon and Rhode, and they all go to Syria. Anthia sees Habrocomes in prison and they have a wretched farewell. That night in a dream Habrocomes sees his father looking all over the world for him, and sees himself as a horse and looking for his mare. Once in Syria Anthia is given by Manto to Lampon the goatherd to be his wife. But Lampon respects Anthia's virtue like the husband of Electra did in Euripides' Electra, and does not try to have sex with her. Meanwhile in Tyre, Apsyrtus finds out the truth and puts Habrocomes in charge of his wealth. Moeris, Manto's new husband, of course falls in love with Anthia. Manto then orders the goatherd to kill Anthia, but he instead sells her to Cilician merchants. The merchants' vessel is soon shipwrecked, and Anthia is picked up by members of the robber band of one Hippothoos. At this point Habrocomes learns that Anthia has been sold, and leaves the house of Apsyrtus, meets Lampon, and then heads off to Cilicia. Meanwhile, while among Hippothoos' bandits Anthia is nearly sacrificed to Ares, but rescued in nick of time by Perilaus, a leading man of Tarsus. Perilaus, of course, falls in love with Anthia, and pressures her to marry him. Finally Anthia gives in, but, devising some excuse, puts the wedding off for thirty days. Meanwhile Habrocomes, having arrived in Cilicia, meets Hippothoos, who has survived the destruction of his first robber band, and they strike up a semi-loving friendship and agree to help each other. Hippothoos hopes in their travels to learn something of Anthia.
Book 3
Hippothoos travels around, recruiting another robber band. One night Hippothoos tells story of his earlier love, Hyperanthes. Hippothoos is from Thrace and was noble born. He had first deep encounter with love and Hyperanthes at religious festival. But Hyperanthes' father sold his son to a merchant from Alexandria for more than education. Hippothoos followed the two to Alexandria, and finally killed the merchant, and Hyperanthes and he got on a ship to escape, but Hyperanthes was lost in the ensuing shipwreck. Since he could not return home, Hippothoos became a robber and rose rapidly in the rank. Habrocomes then tells his own story of Anthia, and both bewail lost loves. Hippothoos tells him that he has seen Anthia, and promises to help Hippothoos get her back. Meanwhile, Anthia's wedding day approaches. She gets Eudoxos, a doctor of Ephesus, to give her a deadly drug in order to commit suicide. But the drug, which she takes on her wedding day, is merely a sleeping potion, and thus Anthia is entombed alive, wakes up, but is saved by robbers, to whom she declares she has been consecrated to Love and Death. But instead of leaving her to die, the graverobbers take her as a slave and sail to Alexandria, where she is given to slave dealers. Thus Perilaus becomes disconsolate, learning that Anthia's grave has been looted, and in the meanwhile Habrocomes, with Hippothoos, is making inquires about Anthia. Then Habrocomes hears the story of Anthia and Perilaus from an old woman, and how Anthia's body was stolen. He determines to die, but first intends to find Anthia's body. That night he abandons Hippothoos and his brigands (who are besotted with drink) and heads, for no specified reason, for Alexandria. Meanwhile the Indian Psammis has bought Anthia at Alexandria and would have raped her, except that she cleverly tells him she is consecrated to Isis for a year. Before Habrocomes can arrive at Alexandria, his ship (you guessed it) is wrecked and he is captured by herdsmen brigands and sold into slavery for a second time. He is bought by an old retired solider called Araxus, who treats him like a son. But his wife Kyno (= Bitch), who is very ugly, falls in love with Habrocomes and Habrocomes nearly gives in to her, since he realizes that his past virtue did no good. But when Kyno kills her husband, Habrocomes refuses her and she tells the authorities that Habrocomes committed the murder and he is arrested and taken to Alexandria.
Book 4
Meanwhile Hippothoos with a new band is ravaging the countryside, while at the same time looking for Habrocomes. He finally heads toward Egypt and ends up around Coptus. Meanwhile Habrocomes is ordered crucified, but, while on the cross, he prays to the Nile and to the Sun. The wind rises and casts his cross into the Nile, and he is fished out. Habrocomes is then sentenced to be burned at the stake, but the Nile's flood puts out the flames. He is then put back in prison by the prefect, who is determined to find out more. Meanwhile Psammis (who has Anthia) is ready to head off for India. He first stops at Memphis, where Anthia prays to Isis, 'the greatest of goddesses', and asks for her help. While in the vicinity of Coptus they are attacked by Hippothoos' band, who kill Psammis and capture Anthia. But Hippothoos does not recognize Anthia, who tells him that she is an Egyptian called Memphitis. Meanwhile the ruler of Egypt frees Habrocomes and gives him gifts and crucifies Kyno. Habrocomes decides for some unexplained reason to go to Italy. It is not clear if he knows whether Anthia is alive or not. Meanwhile Anchialos, one of Hippothoos' robber band, falls in love with Anthia, and is killed trying to rape her. Hippothoos. enraged, puts Anthia in a pit with wild dogs, so she might be torn apart. But the robber Amphinomos, who is assigned to the pit as a guard, loves and pities her, and feeds the dogs and Anthia, who remains relatively safe in the pit.
Book 5
Meanwhile Habrocomes arrives after a storm at Syracuse. He joins up with an old fisherman, Aigialeus, who treats Habrocomes as his son and tells him his life story. Aigialeus and his now dead wife Thelxinoe were Spartans of high class, and met at religious festival, fell in love and pledged eternal faith. Some god, according to Aigialeus, envied their happiness, for Thelxinoe's father soon engaged her to a certain Androcles. They eloped, disguised as young men, headed for Cornith, and from there sailed to Sicily. They were condemned to death at home. In Sicily they led a poor but happy existence, and not long ago Thelxinoe died. She was not buried, but mummified by Aigialeus, who treats the mummy as if it were the living woman. The love of Aegialeus and Thelxinoe makes Habrocomes, thinking of his own lost love, weep bitterly. For a while Habrocomes continues to work as a fisherman with Aigialeus. Meanwhile Hippothoos' band has become large and he decides to move north to attack larger targets. He believes Anthia is dead. But Amphinomus, who had been helping Anthia, takes her out of the pit after Hippothoos leaves the area, and promises, although in love with her, not to violate her. The dogs by now are tame, and the group stop at Coptus, while Hippothoos' band is ravaging territory to the north. The prefect of Egypt, learning of this great disturbance, gathers a large force and puts it in charge of a relation, Polydius, who at Pelusium fights a huge battle with Hippothoos' band, most of whom are killed. Hippothoos manages to escape after tossing away his weapons, and decide to go to Sicily, due to its reputation for riches. In Egypt Polydius, while searching for other robbers, comes to Coptus and captures Amphinomus and Anthia, who does not tell him her full story. Needless to say, Polydius soon falls deeply in love with Anthia. At Memphis he tries to use force on her, but she escapes to the temple of Isis and pleads for help to the goddess. At this point Polydius comes to the temple and promises Anthia never to use force again. A few days later Anthia goes to the temple of Apis, and after praying to the god, hears a chorus of children in front of the temple sing "Anthia soon will regain her husband Habrocomes." At Alexandria Rhenaea, wife of Polydius, learns of her husband's infatuation and beats Anthia and gives her to her servant Clytus to take to Italy and to sell to a brothelkeeper. Clytus then takes Anthia and sells her to a brothelkeeper in Tarentum and returns to Alexandria. Meanwhile Hippothoos has arrived at Tauromenium in Sicily, while Habrocomes has decided to sail to Italy to look for Anthia. We learn that at Ephesus the parents of Habrocomes and Anthia have committed suicide out of grief. In Syria the couple's former slaves, Leucon and Rhode had inherited the estate of their former master and decided to return to Ephesus but stopped at Rhodes to see if they could learn more of their masters. Back in Italy Anthia is forced to exhibit herself in a house of prostitution, but she manages to save her virtue by feigning an attack of epilepsy. Habrcomes arrives at Nuceria in Italy, and after making inquires about Anthia, goes to work in a quarry, pining for Anthia amid the brutal labor. At Tarentum Anthia dreams she is with Habrocomes again, but some beautiful woman takes him away from her. She awakes, believes Habrocomes has betrayed her, and wishes to kill herself. At Tauromenium Hippothoos manages to marry a rich old woman who soon dies, leaving him her estate. He determines for some reason to sail to Italy, perhaps to try to find Habrocomes, with whom he is determined to share his life and wealth. He sails to Italy with a young lad of aristocratic background called Cleisthenes. At this point the brothelkeeper sells Anthia to Hippothoos, who recognizes Anthia as the girl he had put into the pit to be torn apart by dogs. Hippothoos falls in love with her, and when he is on the point of using force Anthia reveals her real identity to him. Hippothoos then reveals his relationship with Habrocomes and lavishes all care upon Anthia. Meanwhile Habrcomes wearies of his life in Italy and decides to go back to Ephesus. He gets on a ship and first goes to Sicily, where he offers a libation for his dead mentor Aegialeus. He goes from Sicily to Crete and then to Cyprus, where he worships, and then to Rhodes, where he finds lodgings near the harbor. Leucon and Rhode, who were also in Rhodes, had dedicated in the temple of Helius a pillar inscribed with gold to commemorate their masters Anthia and Habrocomes. When Habrocomes comes to the temple and sees the new dedication, he is desolate, since he is still without Anthia. But at that very moment Leucon and Rhode enter the temple and inquire of the young man, whom they do not recognize, why he is weeping over their dedication, and learn it is their former master. Thereupon they take care of him, but mourn the still missing Anthia. By this time Hippothoos has decided to sail to Ephesus with Anthia, and in route stops off at Rhodes. A great festival for Helius is taking place, and when Anthia and Hippothoos enter the temple they see the dedications, but still do not know that Habromes, Leucon and Rhode are in Rhodes. Anthia dedicates a lock of her hair and goes away. Then Leucon and Rhode stop at the temple and see the lock of hair, but fail to find Anthia, and inform Habrocomes of this new development. The next day Anthia goes to the temple without Hippothoos, and Leucon and Rhode come without Habrocomes. Seeing Anthia weeping over the dedication, they gradually realize that it is their lost mistress, to whom with they introduce themselves and tell that Habrocomes is living with them. All the Rhodians and Hippothoos too soon learn that Anthia had been found — all except Habrocomes, who finally learns the news and runs out and meets Anthia near the temple of Isis. Habrocomes and Anthia have an ecstatic reunion and give great thanks to Isis. A great celebration follows, during which all tell their stories and learn how each has overcome all temptation to their bond. Soon afterward Habrocomes and Anthia, Hippothoos and Cleisthenes and Leucon and Rhode sail back to Ephseus. The couple honors Ephesian Artemis, build tombs for their parents, while Hippothoos builds a tomb in Lesbos for his lost Hyperanthes, adopts Cleisthenes as his son, and spends the rest of his life at Ephesus with Habrocomes and Anthia, where their life was one long festival.
Ey Smyrna! Sen, en güzel amazon kadını!Göğsünü örten o sırma saçlarındı aklımı başımdan alan.Ey Smyrna! Beşbin yıllık yorgun kadın.Yirmi üç yıl önce bu ihtiyar doğduğunda Nasıl da aşık ettin onu kendine?O ihtiyar ki hep seni sever,Hep senle olmak ister.Senin de ondan başkasını sevmeni istemez.Ama seni sevenlere de ses etmez.Lakin böyle güzelliğe aşık olmayan ya delidir ya da kör. Ey Smyrna! Kendini beşbin yıllık bir ihtiyar sanma sakın.düştüğün, yorulduğun zamanlar oldu biliyorum Ama sen hiç pes etmedin, hep galip çıktın sonunda.Duydum ki o güzelim körfezinde balıklar yeniden can bulmuş.Güneş doğarken başka bir arzuyla doğar olmuş,Batarkense senden ayrılmanın hüznünü taşır olmuş üstünde.Ey Smyrna! Güzeller güzeli! Pasaportta nargilemi fokurdatıp,Güneşin senden ayrılmanın hüznüyle gözyaşı döküşünü izlerken,Diyorum ki sana : Nice beşbin yıllara!… ...............................................................
Hey Yorgos!
Bak hele biraz buraya.
Buraya, benden tarafa dön yüzünü.
Biliyorum gurbet eldesin.
Bizim buralar senin,
Sizin oralar bizim değil mi?
O zaman vur bre Yorgos!
Hepimiz aynı ananın çocukları değil miyiz?
Biz değil miyiz,
Balıkların seviştiği o güzelim Ege’nin çocukarı?
O zaman vur bre Yorgos!
Sirtakinin, zeybetikonun eşliğinde vur.
Siz uzo dersiniz,
Bizimkiler rakı der o merete.
Ama söyle Allahaşkına bre Yorgos,
Aslansütü değil midir Ege’yi cennete çeviren?
O zaman vur bre Yorgos!
Vur, vur, vur şu kadehi de,
Dibine gelelim şişelerin.
Anamız Ege’nin şerefine,
Vur bre Yorgos vur!
Otubüsten inip Alsancak'tan Pasaport'a yürümek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
En ufak ihtiyaç için Kemeraltı'na gitmek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
İlk randevunda YKM önünde buluşalım demek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Kordon boyunda denizle birlikte balık yemek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Sinemalarda ne oynuyor diye ilk Çınar'a bakmak
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Yazları her hafta sonu Çeşme'ye gitmek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Göztepe-Karşıyaka çekişmesini seyretmek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Sabahları günaydın dedikten sonra 2 Boyoz 1 yumurta demek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Atatürk Lisesi'ni bitirmek, İzmir'li olmaktır.
Fuar'a fuar zamanında gitmemek, İzmir'li olmaktır.
Kemeraltı'nda hayır için dökülen lokmalardan yemek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
Her çeşitten İnsan sevmek, İzmir'li olmaktır.
Simite Gevrek demek, İzmir'li olmaktır.
Karataş,Asansör'de anlamlı birgün için kutlama yapmak,
İzmir'li olmaktır Gece yarısı Efes'in arkasında Yengen yemek,
İzmir'li olmaktır.
İzmir'li olmak İzmir'de doğmamaktır, İzmir'i yaşamaktır.

Ay Yüzlüm...

Bu şarkı benim hep yüreğimi acıtıyor ...Müziği, aşkın trajedisini
ayrılığın hazin tadı ve sevda hepsini içinde bulabiliyorsunuz..

Zaman hancı bulut yolcu
Şimdi gitti en son yolcu
Bitmedi mi hasret borcu
Neredesin ayyüzlüm ?

Gece çöker günler solar
Gözlerime yaşlar dolar
Hatıralar bende ağlar
Neredesin ayyüzlüm?

Karakollar mı kuruldu?
Kelepçeler mi vuruldu ?
Bak bugünde akşam oldu
Neredesin ayyüzlüm?

Perşembe, Haziran 29, 2006

seni gerçekten çok sevmiştim...

ben ne çok hata yapmışım meğer
gözüm kapalı bakmışım meğer
yıllar geçmış ben saymışım meğer
dostum sanıp aldanmışım meğer
yıllarca sürer sanmışım meğer
boşa kalbimi açmışım meğer
vakit kaybıydı diyemem ama sen hiç dostum olmamışsın meğer
olsun varsın pişman değilim biraz üzüldüm hepsi bu
ağlamam artık gidenlere ağlamam artık bitenlere
ağlamam artık üzenlere ihanet edenlere

ben ne çok hata yapmışım meğer
seni yokken var saymışım meğer
yollar gitmiş ben kalmışım meğer
aşkım deyip hapsolmuşum meğer
bir ömür sürer sanmışım meğer
ben boşa kürek çekmişim meğer
vakit kaybıydı diyemem ama senden çoktan vazgecmişim meğer
olsun varsın
pişman değilim
biraz üzüldüm hepsi bu
ağlamam artık gidenlere ağlamam artık bitenlere
ağlamam artık üzenlere ihanet edenlere

Merak ediyorum...Rastlayacak mıyız günün birinde...Herhangi bir yerde...O çağlayan ruhun... Sakin tavırlar ardına...Gizlenecek mi yine...Yıllar geçtikçe... SIRADAN mı olacaksın... Yoksa yenilmeyip ZAMAN'A...Sevdiğim gibi mi kalacaksın... Merak ediyorum...

Artık Sevmeyeceğim


Artık sevmeyeceğim

Bütün kabahat benim

Ne kadar ağlasan boş

Ne kadar yalvarsan boş

Sana dönmeyeceğim

Bitsin artık bu çile

Çekemem bile bile

Sen ne söylersen söyle

Bu hayat geçmez böyle

Sana dönmeyeceğim

Artık sevmeyeceğim

Ümitlerimi kırdın

Hayallerimi yıktın

Benim ahımı aldın

Benim ahımı aldın

Şimdi sende yalnızsın

Bitsin artık bu çile

Çekemem bile bile

Sen ne söylersen söyle

bu hayat geçmez böyle

Sana dönmeyeceğim

Artık sevmeyeceğim

Çarşamba, Haziran 28, 2006

Al Beni Yar...

Bulutlardı yağmuru getiren
Hüznüm bulut oldu
Yağmur oldu yasak sevdamız
İnatla gurbete doğdu
Acıya büyüdü sevgiler karanlıklar kentinde
Güneşi hiç göremeden
Oynadığımız bir oyundu
Al beni yar götür
Götür buralardan
Bıktım artık hep aynı varoluşlardan
Yitirmekten yitirilmekten
Korkudan korkmalardan
Aldatmadan aldatılışlardan
Hiç almadan hep vermelerden
Al beni yar götür
Götür buralardan
Bıktım artık hep aynı varoluşlardan
Yasaktı bize sevda yaşamak
Aramızda hep birileri oldu
Aramızda hep sende oldun
Ben yalnız seninle doğdum
Al beni yar götür
Götür buralardan
Bıktım artık hep aynı varoluşlardan

Veremem Sana Acımı ...

Sözcüklerim bulur aşığın ateşini
Yıkar gider beni ölüm gibi
Bakışların deler içimdekileri
Kaldırıp atar beni ceset gibi
Arayıp bulmak neyi değiştirir?
Karşımda duruyor suretim
Gülü bitirir...
Veremem sana acımı
Kirlenir dünya
Şehrin boş sokakları
Islanır gözyaşıyla
Kovalar arabalar
Arkamdaki aynayı
Kırılınca biter anlarım
Düşümdeki rüya
Yollarım yorar yarin günahını
Döver olur beni boş kitap gibi
Hüzün aşkınadır aşık uykularım
Sever olur beni hançer gibi
Arayıp bulmak neyi değiştirir?
Karşımda duruyor suretim
Gülü bitirir...
Veremem sana acımı
Kirlenir dünya
Şehrin boş sokakları
Islanır gözyaşıyla
Kovalar arabalar
Arkamdaki aynayı
Kırılınca biter anlarım
Düşümdeki rüya
Veremem sana acımı...
Senin alev gözlerin
Eritse şu ruhumu
Buz olur kesilirim
Yanarken içim
Sesin bir uçurum
Çağırırsa beni
Kuş olur uçarım
Yanarken içim
Sevdan bir ateş oldu bende
Gönlüm bir deli coştu sende
Saçların rüzgarından
Savururken gönlümü
Sürgün olur göçerim
Bu diyarlardan
Kime dokunur ellerim
Kimi görür gözlerim
Ölüm çıkar karşıma
Yine sen derim
Sevdan bir ateş oldu bende
Gönlüm bir deli coştu sende


Her sevincin her kederin,
en ölümsüz sevgilerin
Sonsuz denen göklerin
her şeyin bir sonu varsa
Ayrılıkların da sonu var,
bir gün çıkıp geleceksin
İçimde bir ümit var, yeniden seveceksin

Yıllar varki ben böyle
Bekliyorum özleminle
Anıların, umutların kaldı bende
Anlasana Anlasana
Biraz da gerçekleri anlasana

Senden ayrı günlerimi,
sana nasıl anlatsam ki
Mevsimsiz çiçekler gibi,
yarım kaldım inanki
Sensizliğin acısını,
sen nereden bileceksin
Sen hiç sensiz kalmadın ki,
mevsimleri saymadın ki

bu bir mesaj değil,öylesine koydum:)

Hangi rüzgar attı seni
Niye döndün ki geri
Kimseler seni sevmedi mi
Umduğun gibi deli deli
Küllenip giderken acılar
Kendi kendime yaşamaya
Donmüş bir gözyaşı gibi
Akmayan şu yaşantıma
Alışıyordum, öğreniyordum
Savaşıyordum, kusura bakma başarıyordum

Aklım buz gibi yanına koştu
Ellerim ellerine kaçtı
Bu ziyaret amacını aştı
Kaderim yolundan şaştı
Yüreğim bana karşı çıktı
Karışmam bu iş beni aştı
Olan oldu ateşini yaktı
Yine aklım çok karıştı
Sazlıklardan havalanan bir ördek gibi sesin
Ürkek şaşkın kararsız duyuyorum
Ve sen bir gökkusağı kadar güzelsin
Rengarenk ve az sonra gidecek görüyorum
Ve ben yağmurlar altında bir yolcu
Islak yorgun tutkulu yürüyorum

Sensiz ben yolumu bulamam
Haykırmak istiyorum
Konuşamıyorum konuşamıyorum konuşamıyorum
Konuşursam gözyaşlarım beni boğacak
Biliyorum duyuyorum görüyorum

Bu ayrılık akşamında
sen sustuğuma bakma
Konuşmaya gücüm yok beni anla
Söyleyemediklerimi bak
gözlerimden anla
Herzaman yanımda kal hiç bırakma

Sensiz ben yolumu bulamam
Haykırmak istiyorum
Konuşamıyorum konuşamıyorum konuşamıyorum
Konuşursam gözyaşlarım beni boğacak
Biliyorum duyuyorum görüyorum

İlhan İrem

Müzik Dünyasındaki facialar ...

Arkadaşlar merhaba;
Bugün sabahtan sizlerle korkunç ötesi bir sanat şaheserini paylaşmak
istiyorum.Alttaki şarkı sözlerinde aslında irdelenecek çok net bazı komik
durumlar söz konusu ...Değerlendirme
size kalmış :)
Kafam attı bak yine aklı mı kalır bu yerde
İnternetteyim chatteyim yazışıyorum bak biriyle
Onu hiç görmemiştim bir de webcamini açtı
Bana bir haraket yaptı .şok
Aa sexy tenini oynatıyor
Aa cicileri amanın konuşuyor
Diskomatik vücudu tam 90 60 90
Amanın o sımsıcak belini sarsam
Www.bombabomba bir güzel bekler burda
O dudaklar bal yanaklar
Gir de bir bak daha neleri var
90 60 90 Vücudum var
Doya doya bitmez tadım var
Kendime arkadaş arıyorum
Aradığım bana uyacak dediğimi yapacak
İsterim bu yar benim olsun yalnız bana bana baksın
Hem oynasın hem yorulsun yorulup yanıma uzansın herkes
Tıpkı benim gibi o kızı istiyor
Bu kızda zaten sayfasında arkadaş arıyor
90 60 90 Vücüdum var
Doya doya bitmez tadım var
Kendime arkadaş arıyorum
Aradığım bana uyacak dediğimi yapacak
90 60 90 60 Bu kızı kim daraltmış
Şak şak cep telefonlar herkes onu kayıt yapmış
Tak tak bel kemerine sürükleyip beni takmış
Bak bak intarnetten bana bana sorular yazmış
Bu kız bana yaşımı sordu 21 dedim
Yerin yurdun nerelisin dedi bekarım dedim
Tam ban göresin dedi nasıl sevindim
Pat diye uyandım kendime geldim
90 60 90 Vücudum var
Doya doya bitmez tadım var
Kendime arkadaş arıyorum
Aradığım bana uyacak dediğimi yapacak
Hastayım hasta hasta zordayım zorda zorda
Sana sana ölürüm sana sana biterim
Sana sana yanarım yanar yanar yanarım
Sana sana yanarım yanında horlarım
Tatlı tatlı konuşur ne istersen yaparım
Her gün evde kalırım sarma sarma sararım
Ellerin ayaklarına mm masaj yaparım
Derdine derman olurum sana kurban olurum
Sağa sola yanar durur kulun kölen olurum
Mm okşarım mm koynunda uyurum
Derman derman derman duman her tarafı yakarım
90 60 90 Vücudum var doya doya bitmez tadım var
Kendime arkadaş arıyorum
Aradığım bana uyacak dediğimi yapacak

Üzgünüm ...

Çare aramadım zannetme
Çıkmaz yolları zorladım
Gittim olmadı, kaldım olmadı
Bitti diyorsam laf değil
Bir anlık öfke zannetme
Çoktan yitirdim sabrımı
Kaçtım olmadı, sustum olmadı
Bitti diyorsam laf değil
Artık bu son veda üzgünüm
Nefret etme benden üzgünüm
İster miydim hoşçakal demek
Elim kolum bağlı üzgünüm
Baştan yanlış yaptık üzgünüm
Seninle olmazdı üzgünüm
Az mı savaş verdim kendimle
Engellere yenildim üzgünüm

Salı, Haziran 27, 2006

Gemiler Döner Geriye...

SözSeslendiren: İlhan İrem
Yerlere düşen damlalar yine yağmur oluyor mu?

Bir sevgi ölüpte gitse yine canlanıyor mu?

Sorular türlü çeşitli , yanıtları yine öyle

Dalından düşen yürekler yerlerine konuyor mu?

Birbirinin ayni günler birbirine benziyor mu?

Sorular türlü çeşitli ,yanıtları yine öyle

Ola ki günün birinde gemiler döner geriye

Yolcular ayni yolcular ve biz ayni sahilde

Ola ki günün birinde gemiler döner geriye

Kimi için yolculuklar ve kalan kim geride?

Benimkisi hayal işte ümit katarım her işe

Yüzümde yapay bir neşe ardında binbir bilmece

Sorular türlü çeşitli ,yanıtları yine öyle

Beni anlayan sen oldun seninle gerçeği buldum

Sonra birden sır oldun çık ortaya gizlice

Anılar türlü çeşitli yarınlarda yine öyle

Ola ki günün birinde gemiler döner geriye

Yolcular ayni yolcular ve biz ayni sahilde

Ola ki günün birinde gemiler döner geriye

Kimi için yolculuklar ve kalan kim geride


Ne güzel bir gece
Sanki daha aydınlık
Sanki bir kapı
Yarınlara aralık
Hem yarından önceki büyük umutlarla
Hem dünden sonraki pişmanlıkla karışık

Dünden sonra yarından önce
Yaşam durur umut bitince yaşayamadıkça özgürce
Mutluluklar biter

Ne güzel olurdu
Hep seninle paylaşmak
Tüm özgürlükleri
Seninleyken yaşamak
Dopdolu günlere
Hep seninle başlamak
Yarınlarla, dünlerle sonsuzluğu yaşa

Dünden sonra yarından önce
Yaşam durur umut bitince yaşayamadıkça özgürce
Mutluluklar biter


Vazgeçtim gözlerinden
Vazgeçtim sözlerinden
Bir ah de yeter
Sessizce, kimsesizce gönderdim dudaklarımı
Öpme, al yeter
Hiç tanımaz tenim ellerini
Bilmez yüreğim bilmez yüreğini
Ah bu koku, bu ten, bu dokunuş
Ah bu delilik sarsar bedenimi
Yok olmak anıdır şimdi

'll Be There for You

I guess this time you're really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love in suicide
You say you're cried a thousand rivers
And now you're swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won't save me anymore
Now I'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance, girl
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
I know you know we're had some good times
How they have their own hiding place
I can promise you tomorrow
But I can't buy back yesterday
And Baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drink, I'll be the wine
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you

And I wan't there when you were happy
I wasn't there when you were down
I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you

Sen Mutlu Ol

Nasıl bir kalp bıraktın
Bilir misin ardında?
Bilir misin
Kırılan kalpler düzelmez asla

Dönüp de hiç baktın mı
Merak edip arkana?
Eden bulur güzelim
Kalır sanma yanına
Eden bulur güzelim
Kalır sanma yanına

Bir gün olsun gülmesem
Hep ağlasam de olur
Karanlığın içinde
Yalnız kalsam ne olur

İnim inim inlesem
Acı çeksem de olur
Benim için farketmez
Sen mutlu ol ne olur

Geçmişteki günleri
Biran olsun hatırla
Yırtmadıysan resmimi
Ona bakıp da ağla

Ah sevdiğim herşeyim nerdesin

üzgünüm,gerçekten üzgünüm,keşki böyle olmasaydı

Haykırdım bana dönmüyor
Yalvardım beni sevmiyor
Sensizlik bana yetmiyor
Sevdikçe seveyim seni

yeter yeter üzme beni !!!


Karar verdim unutmaya
Karar verdim ayrılmaya
Çekip gitsen buradan
Gitsem çok uzaklara
Çocuk gibi mutlu olsam

Karar verdim unutmaya seni
Karar verdim ayrılmaya
Daha önce hiç kimse
Hayatımda hiç kimse
Senin kadar incitmedi böyle

Bir dargın bir barışık
Aklım hep karmakarışık
Yeter yeter üzme beni

Acılarımı birer birer yakıp gideceğim
Yine tam aşkın ortasından dalıp geçeceğim
Geceleri günleri sayıp, kendi derdine yanıp
Sen ağlarken ben güleceğim