Cuma, Nisan 28, 2006
Rüzgar olmak isterdim...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Rüzgar olup okşamak,
Kuşların kanatlarını,
Ağaçların dallarını,
Ve çiçeklerin yapraklarını...
Rüzgar olup taşımak isterdim,
Ağacın yaşam tutkusunu,
Kuşların coşkusunu,
Çiçeklerin kokusunu...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Rüzgar olup dolaşmak dağ, bayır,
Ve en ulaşılmaz olduğun yerde,
Rüzgar olup sana ulaşmak isterdim...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Ama asla poyraz ya da fırtına değil...
Bir seher rüzgarı mesela...
Sen uyurken kirpiklerinde dolaşan,
Yazın bunalmışlığında yıldızlara göz kırparak,
Saçlarının dalgasını gönlünce,
Dalgalandıran, karıştıran,
Bir meltem olmak isterdim...
Asla incitmeyen,
Varlığı hoş ve hafif...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Yazın bir kır kahvesinde otururken,
Sana doğru eserek getirmek isterdim,
Uzak okyonusların deniz, yosun ve balık kokusunu...
Özgürlüğün tutkusunu,
Taşımak isterdim damarlarına...
Ya da melodiler getirirdim,
Bilmediğin diyarlardan kulaklarına...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Hüzünlüyken sen,
Odana dolmak pencereden...
Hafifçe yanağına dokunmak,
Kirpiklerini kurutmak,
Gözlerini ışıltmak isterdim;
Evet, sadece gözlerinin içini...
Rüzgar olmak isterdim;
Tüm bunların hepsi,
Ya da hiç birisi için.
Sadece seni hissetmek için.
Rüzgar olmak isterdim,
Sadece rüzgar olmak!..
Öyle bir hayat ki !
Öyle bir hayat yaşıyorum ki,
Cenneti de gördüm,cehennemi de
Öyle bir aşk yaşadım ki,
Tutkuyu da gördüm,pes etmeyi de.
Bazıları seyrederken hayatı en önden,
Kendime bir sahne buldum oynadım.
Öyle bir rol vermişler ki,
Okudum okudum anlamadım.
Kendi kendime konuştum bazen evimde,
Hem kızdım hem güldüm halime.
Sonra dedim ki "söz ver kendine"
Denizleri seviyorsan,dalgaları da seveceksin,
Sevilmek istiyorsan,önce sevmeyi bileceksin,
Uçmayı seviyorsan,düşmeyi de bileceksin.
Korkarak yaşıyorsan,yalnızca hayatı seyredersin.
Öyle bir hayat yaşadım ki,son yolculukları erken tanıdım.
Öyle çok değerliymiş ki zaman,
Hep acele etmem bundan,anladım....
Seni Seviyorum...
Söyledim, söyleyebildim sonunda...
'Seni Seviyorum' demekten aciz dudaklarım
Mutlulukla tanıştı ilk defa..
Affet beni..
Çok geç oldu belki ama
İlk kez ta kalbimde hissettim önemini
İlk kez sana söyledim sevgimi..
Affet beni burada olmamalıydı..
Bu kadar geç olmamalıydı..
Biliyorum yine kavuşacağız
Çok geç olmayacak..Üstelik bu kez korkmayacağım
'Seni Seviyorum' demekten
Bağıracağım hatta, haykıracağım..
Ağlamayacağım, ağlamayacağız..
Sarılacağız yine...
Sonsuza kadar...
Öyle özledim ki gülen gözlerini...
'Seni Seviyorum' derken
Bak yine söylüyorum, 'Seni Seviyorum'...
Çarşamba, Nisan 26, 2006
The Ideal ...
(Nietzche'nin Salome'ye mektubundan bir bölüm)
Salı, Nisan 25, 2006
Ankara'dan bir kuş uçtu güneye doğru
Kanatlarında sevdanın kar bulutları
Gün batımı masum gülüşler ağlamaklı
Yine birşeyler aldı gitti ayrılık hüzünleri
Yeni birşeyler aldı gitti ayrılık...
Gözlerin bugün zarif ve ince bir hüzün
Ankara'da aşık olmak zor iki gözüm.
Sözlerin bugün kırık,umarsız,kördüğüm
Ankara'da sensiz olmak zor iki gözüm.
Yine deli yangınlar oldu bugün akşama doğru
Gökyüzünün sensiz sessiz haykırışları
Son sevgi sözcükleri son fısıltılar
Yine birşeyler aldı gitti ayrılık hüzünleri
Yeni birşeyler aldı gitti ayrılık...
Gözlerin bugün zarif ve ince bir hüzün
Ankara'da aşık olmak zor iki gözüm.
Sözlerin bugün kırık,umarsız,kördüğüm
Ankara'da sensiz olmak zor iki gözüm.
Ankara'da aşık olmak zor iki gözüm.
Geceye Seni Bağırdım... Duydun mu?
Nasıl da çabucak bitiyor gün...
Bir şey anlamadan...
Beyaz bir gün...
Sabah olsun diye uyuyorum...
Yatayım diye geceyi bekliyorum...
Dahası yok... Hep aynı...
Ne istediğimi...
Ne düşlediğimi...
Neye küstüğümü ben de bilmiyorum...
Ama küstüm...
Fena küstüm...
Beynimin içinde neler var?..
Neden bu kadar yalınım?..
Hiçbir türküye eşlik etmiyorum...
Bir anlık tebessümlerimi de yitirdim...
Arkadaşlarım bir bir ana, baba oluyorlar...
Ben artık bir “oğul” da istemiyorum...
Adı “TOPRAK” olacaktı oysa...
Sımsıkı tutacaktı avuç içine ancak sığan parmağımı...
Sen kokacaktı...
Ben kokacaktı oğlum...
Hayat detaylarla dolu, ne de güzel bir şölendi...
Hep böyle sürecekti sanki...
Heyecan vardı...
Pazar uykusu...
Venedik Kafe...
Deniz kenarı...
Yastıkta iki çukur...
Aşk vardı...
Sen vardın...
Şölen bitti...
Şimdi sadece sabah ve gece oluyor...
Bir aydınlık... Bir karanlık...
Bir karanlık... Bir aydınlık...
O kadar...
Dün de, bugün de, yarın da aynı...
Çarşamba ya da Perşembe...
Salı veya Cuma...
Ne değişir?..
Sıradan bir yalnızlık benimkisi...
Kiminkinden farkı var?..
Kelimelerden cümle kurma yeteneğim, benim yalnızlığımı sadece belgelenmiş bir “anı” yapar...
Herkesinki gibi bir yalnızlık bu...
Yangın yerinde hareket edememek gibi...
Hiçbir teselliye boyun eğmeyen...
Laftan, sözden anlamayan bir yalnızlık bu da...
Hiç kimseninkinden farkı yok...
Sabah ezanından hemen sonra...
Durduk yere ...
Ankara’nın tam ortasında, sesim kısılasıya geceye seni bağırmak...
“O’nu seviyorum”u öfkeye dönüştürmek...
Bu koca kente seni haykırmak...
Dudaklarımın önce titremesi...
Sonra gözlerimin dolması...
En fazla ağlamak...
Elimin ayağıma dolaşması...
Farklı mı yapar benim yalnızlığımı?..
Duysaydın... Belki...
Diğer yalnızlıklar gibi benimkisi de...
Sıradan bir yalnızlık...
Seni özlediğimi anlamıyorum bazen...
Belki de özlemiyorum...
En çok kendime hasretim...
İçime bu denli kaçmadığım...
Mutluymuş gibi yapmadığım anlarımı özlüyorum...
Seni uyandırmadan usulca sokulma planlarımı...
Öylece uyuyuşunu seyretmeyi...
Sokağında park edecek yer bulamamayı...
“Bir aşağı sokak” ihtimalini özlüyorum...
Sonbaharı özlüyorum...
Sonbahar başlasa bir an evvel...
Yetiştirebilsem yalnızlığımı...
İyi gelecek üşümek bana...
Pazartesi, Nisan 24, 2006
Democrat, American style
Capitalism, American dream
SocialismYou have two cows.The government
Bureaucracy, European Union style
Political CorrectnessYou are "associated with"
TotalitarianismYou have two cows.The
Counter Culture
Danish Municipality, Farum styleYou have two
Democracy, Florida style
Californian styleYou have millions of cows.
French style
Japanese style
German style
Italian style
Russian style
Indian style
Taliban style
Iraqi style
The Good City
The angel Raphael rose highover old stones.
Courtesan, Ancient Smyrna
I am made from civet and dreams.
I know three thingsto be true.
So, when Coca-Cola opened their first factory in Georgia, the company decided to promote it as much as they could. Thus they proceeded to invite Eduard Shevarnadze, the president of the country for the celebration, and he agreed to be there.
The great day came, the first bottle of Coke was about to roll off from the assembly line, the president of the country, the national TV channel's cameras and reporters were all there.
The first bottle arrives, they open it, and hand it to Mr. Shevarnadze. He picks it up, sips some, with the whole country watching, and with a smile which cheers the heart of Coke's marketing manager he says "Great taste ... just like Pepsi!"
Pazar, Nisan 23, 2006
Letter to God
The post office received the letter addressed to "GOD, USA," they decided that it would be best to just forward the letter to President Bush.
The president read the letter and thought it was cute, so he asked his secretary to send the boy $5, thinking the boy would think that was a lot of money.
When the boy got the letter, he was so excited that he sat down immediately to write a thank-you letter. "Dear God," he wrote, "Thank you very much for the money you sent. I suppose it is to be expected, but I thought you should know that when you sent it through Washington, D.C., the bastards deducted $95."
35 politically correct ways to say someone is stupid
A few clowns short of a circus.
A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
A few beers short of a six-pack.
Dumber than a box of hair.
A few peas short of a casserole.
Doesn't have all his corn flakes in one box.
The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead.
One Froot Loop shy of a full bowl.
One Taco short of a Combo Meal.
A few feathers short of a whole duck.
All foam, no beer!
The cheese slid of his cracker.
Body by Fisher Price, brains by Mattel.
Has an IQ of 2 but it takes 3 to grunt.
Warning: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear.
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.
Too much yardage between the posts.
An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
As smart as bait.
Chimney's clogged.
Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair.
Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
Forgot to pay his brain bill.
Her sewing machine's out of thread.
Her antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
His belt doesn't go through all the loops.
If he had another brain, it would be lonely.
Missing a few buttons on her remote control.
No grain in the silo.
Proof that evolution can go in reverse.
Receiver is off the hook.
Several nuts short of a full pouch.
He fell out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way down
what is the politics?
Father: "Sure son. What's the question?"
Son: "What is Politics?"
Father: "Well, let's take our home for an example. I am the wage earner, so let's call me Capitalism. Your mother is the administrator of money, so we'll call her Government. We take care of your need, so let's call you The People. We'll call the Maid The Working Class and your brother we can call The Future. Do you understand son?"
Son: "I'm not really sure, dad. I'll have to think about it."
That night, awakened by his brother's crying, the boy went to see what was wrong. Discovering that the baby had seriously soiled his diaper, the boy went to his parents' room and found his mother sound asleep. He went to the maid's room, where, peeking through the keyhole, he saw his father in bed with the maid. The boy's knocking went totally unheeded by his father and the maid, so the boy returned to his room and went back to sleep.
The next morning he reported to his father.
Son: "Dad, now I think i understand what politics is."
Father: "Good son! Can you explain it to me in your own words?"
Son: " Well Dad, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, Government is sound asleep, the People are being completely ignored and the Future is full of shit."
From Nazım Hikmet Ran
Iwant to die before you.Do you think the one who followsfinds the one who went first?I don't think so.It would be best to have me burnedand put in a jarover your fireplace. Make the jar clear glass,so you can watch me inside...You see my sacrifice :I give up being earth,I give up being a flowerjust to stay near you.And I become dustto live with you.Then, when you die, you can come into my jarand we'll live there together,your ashes in mine,until some dizzy brideor wayward grandsontosses us out...But by thenwe'll beso mixedtogetherthat even at the dump our atomswill fall side by side.We'll dive into the earth together.And if one day a wild flowerfinds water and springs up from that piece of earth,its stem will havetwo blossoms for sure :one will be you,the other me.
I'mnot about to die yet.I want to bear another child.I'm brimming with life.My blood is hot.I'm going to live a long, long time -and with you.Death doesn't scare me,I just don't find our funeral arrangementstoo attractive.But everything could changebefore I die.Any chance you'll get out of prison soon?Something inside me says :Maybe
my head foaming clouds,
sea inside me and out
I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Parkan old walnut,
knot by knot,
shred by shred
Neither you are aware of this, nor the police
I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Park
My leaves are nimble, nimble like fish in water
My leaves are sheer, sheer like a silk handkerchiefpick, wipe, my rose, the tear from your eyes
My leaves are my hands,
I have one hundred thousand
I touch you with one hundred thousand hands,
I touch Istanbul
My leaves are my eyes,
I look in amazement
I watch you with one hundred thousand eyes,
I watch Istanbul
Like one hundred thousand hearts, beat, beat my leaves
I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Park
neither you are aware of this, nor the police
Today is Sunday.
For the first time they took me out into the sun today.
And for the first time in my life I was aghastthat the sky is so far awayand so blue and so vast
I stood there without a motion.
Then I sat on the ground with respectful devotion leaning against the white wall.
Who cares about the waves with which I yearn to rollOr about strife or freedom or my wife right now
.The soil, the sun and me...I feel joyful and how.
ILiving is no laughing matter:
you must live with great seriousnesslike a squirrel,
for example-I mean without looking for something beyond and above living,
I mean living must be your whole occupation.
Living is no laughing matter:
you must take it seriously,so much so and to such a degreethat, for
example, your hands tied behind your back,your back to the wall,or
else in a laboratoryin your white coat and safety glasses,you can die
for people-even for people whose faces you've never seen,even
though you know livingis the most real, the most beautiful thing.
I mean, you must take living so seriouslythat even at seventy, for
example, you'll plant olive trees-and not for your children,
because although you fear death you don't believe it,because living,
I mean, weighs heavier.
Let's say you're seriously ill, need surgery -which is to say
we might not getfrom the white table.
Even though it's impossible not to feel sadabout going a little too soon,
we'll still laugh at the jokes being told,
we'll look out the window to see it's raining,or still wait anxiouslyfor the latest newscast ...
Let's say we're at the front-for something worth fighting for, say.
There, in the first offensive, on that very day,we might fall on our face, dead.We'll know this with a curious anger,
but we'll still worry ourselves to deathabout the outcome of the war,
which could last years.
Let's say we're in prisonand close to fifty,
and we have eighteen more years, say,
before the iron doors will open.
We'll still live with the outside,with its people and animals, struggle and wind-
I mean with the outside beyond the walls.
I mean, however and wherever we are,
we must live as if we will never die.
This earth will grow cold,a star among starsand one of the smallest,a gilded mote on blue velvet-
I mean this, our great earth.
This earth will grow cold one day,not like a block of iceor a dead cloud evenbut like an empty walnut
it will roll alongin pitch-black space ...
You must grieve for this right now-
you have to feel this sorrow now-for the world must be loved this
muchif you're going to say
``I lived'' ...
Nazim Hikmet, February, 1948Translated by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk - 1993
it's 1962 March 28th
I'm sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin train
night is falling
I never knew I likednight descending like a tired bird on a smoky wet plain
I don't likecomparing nightfall to a tired bird
I didn't know I loved the earthcan someone who hasn't worked the earth love it
I've never worked the earthit must be my only Platonic love
and here I've loved rivers all this time whether motionless like this they curl skirting the hills
European hills crowned with chateausor whether stretched out flat as far as the eye can see
I know you can't wash in the same river even once
I know the river will bring new lights you'll never see
I know we live slightly longer than a horse but not nearly as long as a crow
I know this has troubled people beforeand will trouble those after me
I know all this has been said a thousand times before and will be said
after me
I didn't know I loved the sky cloudy or clearthe blue vault Andrei studied on his back at Borodinoin prison
I translated both volumes of War and Peace into Turkish
I hear voicesnot from the blue vault but from the yard the guards are beating someone again
I didn't know I loved treesbare beeches near Moscow in Peredelkinothey come upon me in winter noble and modest beeches are Russian the way poplars are Turkish "the poplars of Izmirlosing their leaves. . .
they call me The Knife. . .lover like a young tree. . .
I blow stately mansions sky-high"in the Ilgaz woods in 1920 I tied an
embroidered linen handkerchief to a pine bough for luck
I never knew I loved roads even the asphalt kindVera's behind the wheel
we're driving from Moscow to the Crimea Koktebeleformerly
"Goktepé ili" in Turkish the two of us inside a closed boxthe world flows past on both sides distant and mute
I was never so close to anyone in my lifebandits stopped me on the
red road between Bolu and Geredé
when I was eighteenapart from my life I didn't have anything in the wagon
they could take and at eighteen our lives are what we value least
I've written this somewhere beforewading through a dark muddy street
I'm going to the shadow play Ramazan nighta paper lantern leading the way
maybe nothing like this ever happened
maybe I read it somewhere an eight-year-old boygoing to the shadow
playRamazan night in Istanbul holding his grandfather's hand his
grandfather has on a fez and is wearing the fur coatwith a sable
collar over his robeand there's a lantern in the servant's hand
and I can't contain myself for joyflowers come to mind for some
reason poppies cactuses jonquilsin the jonquil garden in Kadikoy
I kissed Marika fresh almonds on her breath
I was seventeenmy heart on a swing touched the sky
I didn't know I loved flowersfriends sent me three red carnations in
I just remembered the stars I love them toowhether
I'm floored watching them from below or whether I'm flying at their
I have some questions for the cosmonauts were the stars much
bigger did they look like huge jewels on black velvetor apricots on
did you feel proud to get closer to the starsI saw color photos of the
cosmos in Ogonek magazine
now don't be upset comrades but nonfigurative shall we say or
well some of them looked just like such paintings which is to say
they were terribly figurative and concretemy heart was in my mouth
looking at them
they are our endless desire to grasp thingsseeing them
I could even think of death and not feel at all sad
I never knew I loved the cosmos
snow flashes in front of my eyesboth heavy wet steady snow and the
dry whirling kind
I didn't know I liked snow
I never knew I loved the suneven when setting cherry-red as nowin
Istanbul too it sometimes sets in postcard colors but you aren't about
to paint it that way
I didn't know I loved the sea except the Sea of Azovor how much
I didn't know I loved clouds whether I'm under or up above them
whether they look like giants or shaggy white beasts
moonlight the falsest the most languid the most petit-bourgeois
strikes meI like it
I didn't know I liked rainwhether it falls like a fine net or splatters
against the glass my heart leaves me tangled up in a net or trapped
inside a drop and takes off for uncharted countries
I didn't know I loved rain but why did I suddenly discover all these
passions sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin trainis
it because I lit my sixth cigarette one alone could kill meis it
because I'm half dead from thinking about someone back in
Moscowher hair straw-blond eyelashes blue
the train plunges on through the pitch-black night
I never knew I liked the night pitch-blacksparks fly from the engine
I didn't know I loved sparks
I didn't know I loved so many things and I had to wait until sixty to
find it out sitting by the window on the Prague-Berlin train watching the world disappear as if on a journey of no return
19 April 1962, MoscowTranslated by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk (1993)
The hair falling on your foreheadsuddenly lifted.
Suddenly something stirred on the ground.
The trees are whisperingin the dark.
Your bare arms will be cold.
Far offwhere we can't see,the moon must be rising.
It hasn't reached us yet,slipping through the leavesto light up your
But I knowa wind comes up with the moon.
The trees are whispering.
Your bare arms will be cold.
From above,from the branches lost in the dark,something dropped at
your feet.
You moved closer to me.
Under my hand your bare flesh is like the fuzzy skin of a fruit.
Neither a song of the heart nor "common sense"--before the trees,
birds, and insects,my hand on my wife's fleshis thinking.
Tonight my handcan't read or write.
Neither loving nor unloving...
It's the tongue of a leopard at a spring,a grape leaf,a wolf's paw.
To move, breathe, eat, drink.
My hand is like a seedsplitting open underground.
Neither a song of the heart nor "common sense,"neither loving nor
My hand thinking on my wife's fleshis the hand of the first man.
Like a root that finds water underground,
it says to me:"To eat, drink, cold, hot, struggle, smell, color--not to
live in order to diebut to die to live..."
And nowas red female hair blows across my face,
as something stirs on the ground,as the trees whisper in the dark,and
as the moon rises far offwhere we can't see,my hand on my wife's
fleshbefore the trees, birds, and insects,
I want the right of life,of the leopard at the spring, of the seed
splitting open--I want the right of the first man.
Translated by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk (1993)