Cumartesi, Mayıs 13, 2006
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
"MOTHER,"A word that means the world to me.
Howard Johnson (c. 1915)
May You Be blessed !
To The Cutest Lemur :)
Silentium Amoris (The Silence of Love)
As oftentimes the too resplendent sun
As oftentimes the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.
And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.
But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
A Love Poem By Oscar WILDE
A Love Poem by Oscar Wilde
We Are Made One with What We Touch and Seeby Oscar Wilde
We are resolved into the supreme air,
We are made one with what we touch and see,
With our heart's blood each crimson sun is fair,
With our young lives each spring-impassioned tree
Flames into green,
the wildest beasts that range
The moor our kinsmen are,
all life is one, and all is change.
With beat of systole and of diastole
One grand great life throbs through earth's giant heart,
And mighty waves of single
Being roll
From nerve-less germ to man,
for we are part
Of every rock and bird and beast and hill,
One with the things that prey on us,
and one with what we kill. . . .
One sacrament are consecrate,
One sacrament are consecrate,
the earth
Not we alone hath passions hymeneal,
The yellow buttercups that shake for mirth
At daybreak know a pleasure not less real
Than we do, when in some fresh-blossoming wood
We draw the spring into our hearts,
and feel that life is good. . . .
Is the light vanished from our golden sun,
Is the light vanished from our golden sun,
Or is this daedal-fashioned earth less fair,
That we are nature's heritors,
and one
With every pulse of life that beats the air?
Rather new suns across the sky shall pass,
New splendour come unto the flower,
new glory to the grass.
And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
Critics of nature, but the joyous sea
Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star
Shoot arrows at our pleasure!
We shall bePart of the mighty universal whole,
And through all Aeons mix and mingle with the Kosmic Soul!
We shall be notes in that great Symphony
We shall be notes in that great Symphony
Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,
And all the live World's throbbing heart shall be
One with our heart,
the stealthy creeping years
Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,
The Universe itself shall be our Immortality!
Freedom poem
by Ron Carnell
i was fifteen when Grandfather died,
his twisted body vanquished by too many years,
his mind confused by too many diluted memories,
his spirit still as strong and indomitable
as the day he first killed another manto
protect the life he loved
.It was hard for me to see the war hero
he had been within the wasted remnants
of a wispy old man,
his flesh sunken between fragile bones,
his smooth, soft skin bleached paler
than the sheets that wrapped him
like a premature burial shroud.
It was hard to see the war hero
he had beenuntil Grandfather opened
his rheumy eyes,
the blue as pale as a winter sky,
as hard and cold as tempered steel.
When he opened his eyes and looked
into your soul,
only then could you see it.
Then you would know.
Those eyes were a pool of profound
with unwept tears of pain and death
just below their placid, unbroken surface,
like ocean debris trapped within swift
currentsand forever forbidden to emerge,
forbidden to pollute the sea that was his life.
But, still, the soiled debris was a part of him.
Grandfather survived the German occupation
of his land,
fought life and death struggles in an
that would not,
could not accept the domination of others
.And when it was over,
when he had outlived the death,
he had moved to a new land,
a land of new-found friends.
In America, Grandfather built a new life,
while never forgetting the lessons of the old.
His melodious French was replaced with
broken English,
the rifles with shovels,
the knives with hammers.
But nothing ever supplanted his implacable
nothing ever usurped his enduring strength.
Grandfather was a warrior,
but he was also a teacher.I listened to his words,
saw his examples,
learned from the stories and histories he shared.
He showed me that courage and strength
aren't independent qualities,
but rather are the inevitable results of
abiding love
."What you truly love," he would say,
"can never be surrendered."
And Grandfather, more than most, loved Freedom
.I have since learned there are many who say it,
but few who really feel it.
And fewer still who understand it
.Grandfather once told me he never fought for Freedom.
He said, instead,
he fought against domination
.We were sitting in the old wooden swing,
its paint as wrinkled and weatheredas the
skin of my grandfather's aged face,
the sound of the river flowing through his
yarda backdrop for a classroomwith neither
desks nor chalk boards.
"A man can never take away your Freedom,"
he told me."They can only take power and
make you pay a higher price
when you choose to exercise it.
Hitler wanted to make that price a man's death.
There is always a price to be paid for Freedom,
but when the price becomes too high,
a man must fight.
"I remember he paused then,
his irregular breath like a clipped whistle
as it wheezed past swollen nostrils.
I was used to his long lulls,
a habit so many found irritating.
Grandfather was giving me time,
I knew,to ponder, to absorb, to believe.
And I knew, too, in knowing him,
there would be more.
When he finally continued,
Grandfather's voice was almost a whisper.
"It works both ways,"
he said, leaning closer,
his minty breath an envelope around my face
."A man can never take away your freedom,and
a man never grant it either.
"Grandfather's voice had many tones within it,
and I had learned them all through the years.
"The laws of this country are good ones, mostly,
"he said in a reverent tone, an awed tonethat
spoke of important lessons
to be learned.
"But you must always remember that its Constitution,
and all the laws Congress has passed since then,
don't give you one bit more Freedom
than you already have.
Laws are made by men.
Laws change.
Your Freedom is part of you.
It's forever.
"I remember nodding my understanding,
and I remember Grandfather's hand falling to
my shoulder.
He squeezed briefly, and I can only assume he
was pleased
.It would be another two years
before he would lay in a death bed of virgin white,
and another two decades before
I would really understand his words.
The Freedoms written within our laws are always
conditional.Freedom of the Press is amended by
libel statutes,
and Search and Seizure laws are cast aside for
Probable Cause.
All the laws, all the guarantees,exist only at
the whim of the courts and Due Process.
Grandfather understood.
Any government based on unconditional Freedomwould
necessarily be a government of unconditional anarchy
.Our laws don't grant people Freedom.
Our laws only set the price that must be paidwhen a
citizen chooses to exercise our Freedom.
But the Freedom comes from within.
Grandfather was not a religious man,
but he was a Godly man.
And I think he knew.
Our Creator gave us not only our existence,
but he granted us Free Will,
that we might choose between good and evil.
And that power of choice is what Freedom is really all about.
There will always be a price to pay for Freedom.
The price is set by the hand of man,
by the laws we make.
When we are wise and good,
the price is one we can bear.
And when we are neither wise nor good,
there will always be men like Grandfather,
with the courage and strength to fight for what they love.
Cuma, Mayıs 12, 2006
içerde düz saçlara uğrar
ayak üstü bir akşamüstü
her plansız ürperişin sonu
hüsranve hüsran
çok sanat müziği bir kelimedir
yol bir yere gitmez
yol bir yere gitmez
o bir durma biçimidir
yol yoluyla gidebilir
yare yoldan çıkabilir
apansız ve ömür bitebilir
yoldan önce ama yol bir yere gitmez
o bir durma biçimidir
yaşamak hızlı bir ölme biçimidir
düşünce ışıktan yavaşsa
erken gidilmelidir
gerdan sözcüğünebir kuyumcuda da rastlayabilirsin
bir kasapta da kalbin sızlamaz
bir kuzu yüreğini vitrinde görünce
o bir beslenme biçimidir
ama korkarsın
kurdun sevdiği havadan
ayakkabı yaparsın yılandan
yol bir yere gitmez
o bir durma biçimidirher
garantiyi istersin hayattan
oysa ölümle yaşam arası
uzun malum ince bir yolbir yere gitmez
o bir ölme biçimidir
iyi yolculuklar denmez bir gidene
iyi yolculuklar denmez bir gidene
yapılamaz çünkü
çok yolculuk bir seferde
yolcu denmez her gidene
herkes o yolun taraftarı olmayabilir
hiç bir sürgün gittiği yolu sevmez mesela
yol bir yere gitmez
yol bir yere gitmez
o bir susma biçimidir
soğuk bir taşıtın uğultusunda
Erkek kadına dedi ki:
Erkek kadına dedi ki:
-Seni seviyorum
ama nasıl,avuçlarımda camdan bir şey gibi kalbimi sıkıp
parmaklarımı kanatarak kırasıya çıldırasıya...
Erkek kadına dedi ki:
-Seni seviyorum,ama nasıl,kilometrelerle derin, kilometrelerle dümdüz,
yüzde yüz, yüzde bin beş yüz,yüzde hudutsuz kere yüz...
Kadın erkeğe dedi ki:
-Baktımdudağımla, yüreğimle, kafamla;severek, korkarak, eğilerek,dudağına, yüreğine, kafana.
Şimdi ne söylüyorsam karanlıkta bir fısıltı gibi sen öğrettin bana..
Ve ben artıkbiliyorum:
Toprağın -yüzü güneşli bir ana gibi
-en son en güzel çocuğunu emzirdiğini..
Fakat neyleyim saçlarım dolanmış
ölmekte olan parmaklarına
başımı kurtarmam kabil değil!
Sen yürümelisin,
yeni doğan çocuğun gözlerine bakarak..
beni bırakarak...
Kadın sustu.
Bir kitap düştü yere...
Kapandı bir pencere...
En güzel günlerimin üç mel'un adamı var:
En güzel günlerimin üç mel'un adamı var:
Ben sokakta rastlasam bile tanımayım diyeen
güzel günlerimin bu üç mel'un adamını
yer yer tırnaklarımla kazıdım
hatıralarımın camını..
En güzel günlerimin üç mel'un adamı var:
Biri sensin,biri o,biri ötekisi..
Düşmanımdır ikisi..
Sana gelince...
Kanlı bıçaklı düşmanım bile olsa,
insanınbu rütbe alçalabilmesinden korkuyorum..
Ne yazık!..
Ne kadar beraber geçmiş günlerimiz var;
seninve benim en güzel günlerimiz..
Kalbimin kanıyla götüreceğim ebediyete ben o günleri..
Sana gelince, sen o günleri
-kendi oğluyla yatan,
kızlarının körpe etini satanbir ana gibi satıyorsun!
.Satıyorsun:günde on kaat,
bir çift rugan pabuç,sıcak bir döşek ve üç yüz papellik rahatiçin...
En güzel günlerimin üç mel'un adamı var:
Biri sensin,
Biri o,biri ötekisi...
Kanlı bıçaklı düşmanımdır ikisi...
Sana gelince...
Ne ben Sezarım,
Ne de sen Brütüssün...
Ne ben sana kızarım
ne de zatın zahmet edip bana küssün..
Artık seninle biz,düşman bile değiliz..
İçimde bir ezgi var...
Kaç ay oldu dinliyorum...
Kimse duymuyor...
Ben sadece içimden söyleyebiliyorum...
Bilinsin istemiyorum...
Bir Ekim akşamının aldatan sıcaklığını hatırlatıyor bana...
Kayıkların kenarındaki mutlu ayyaşları...
Daracık bir sokağı...
Bir yanımın hep "sahte" olduğunu...
Çözümsüzlüğe rağmen vazgeçememeyi...
Kati bir ayrılığı kabullenemeyişi...
Uyurken damla damla terleyen tenini seyretmeyi...
Belli belirsiz dokunabilme sevincini...
Daha ne saysam?..
Ne desem?..
Söylenecek her şeyi söyledim sanki...
Yazacak hiç bir O'nlu cümlem kalmadı...
Bitti diyorum bitti...
Düşünme... Hadiiii...
Geçme diyorum evinin önünden...
Ne değişecek?..
Apartmanının dış kapısına bakıp gözlerim dolacak kadar mı zayıfladım ben?..
O ezgi...
Dağıtıyor beni...
Bakarken, duyarken, içerken, susarken...
Hep o ezgi...
Biraz keman... Biraz piyano...
Hafif çığlıklar...
Nasıl desem?..
Diyemem ki...
Elimden tut yoksa düşeceğim
yoksa bir bir yıldızlar düşecek
eğer şairsem beni tanırsan
yağmurdan korktuğumu bilirsen
gözlerim aklına gelirse
elimden tut yoksa düşeceğim
yağmur beni götürecek yoksa beni
geceleri bir çarpıntı duyarsan
telaş telaş yağmurdan kaçıyorum
sarayburnu'ndan geçiyorum
akşamsa eylülse ıslanmışsam
beni görsen belki anlayamazsın
içlenir gizli gizli ağlarsın
eğer ben yalnızsam yanılmışsam
elimden tut yoksa düşeceğim
yağmur beni götürecek yoksa beni.
Çarşamba, Mayıs 10, 2006
Die with love
To wake up in the morning is an example of Resurrection in Day of Judgement:"The blast of the trumpet is the command from the Holy God, namely, 'O children (of Adam), lift up your heads from the grave.' (Then) everyone's soul will return to its body, just as consciousness returns to the (awakened) body at dawn.At daybreak the soul recognises its own body and re-enters its own ruin, like treasures (hidden in waste places).It recognises its own body and goes into it: how should the, soul of the goldsmith go to the tailor?The soul of the scholar runs to the scholar, the spirit of the tyrant runs to the tyrant;The foot knows its own shoe in the dark: how should not the soul know its own body. 0 worshipful one?Dawn is the little resurrection: O seeker of refuge (with God), judge from it what the greater resurrection will be like.Our sleep and waking arc two witnesses which attest to us the significance of death and resurrection.The lesser resurrection has shown forth the greater resurrection; the lesser death has illumined the great death." (Mesnevi, V/1781-96).Since we are experiencing a kind of death by sleeping and waking, then we must take lessons from this and must prepare ourselves to meet death:"Beware, O you who regard death! Surpass one another (in dread of death)! Quick, O you who regard the Resurrection! Vie ye with each other in hastening.Whosoever deems it (death) to be (lovely as) Joseph gives up his soul in ransom for it: whosoever deems it to be (like) the wolf turns back from (the path of) right guidance.Everyone's death is of the same quality as himself, (my lad): to the enemy (of God) an enemy, and to the friend (of God) a friend.In the eyes of the Turcoman the mirror has a fair colour; similarly in the eyes of the Ethiopian the mirror is (dark as) an Ethiopian.Your fear of death in fleeing (from it) is (really) your fear of yourself. Take heed, O (dear) soul!This is your (own) ugly face, not the visage of Death: your spirit is like the tree, and death (is like) the leaf.It has grown from you, whether it is good or evil: every hidden thought of yours, foul or fair, is (born) from yourself." <>
To wake up in the morning is an example of Resurrection in Day of Judgement:"The blast of the trumpet is the command from the Holy God, namely, 'O children (of Adam), lift up your heads from the grave.' (Then) everyone's soul will return to its body, just as consciousness returns to the (awakened) body at dawn.At daybreak the soul recognises its own body and re-enters its own ruin, like treasures (hidden in waste places).It recognises its own body and goes into it: how should the, soul of the goldsmith go to the tailor?The soul of the scholar runs to the scholar, the spirit of the tyrant runs to the tyrant;The foot knows its own shoe in the dark: how should not the soul know its own body. 0 worshipful one?Dawn is the little resurrection: O seeker of refuge (with God), judge from it what the greater resurrection will be like.Our sleep and waking arc two witnesses which attest to us the significance of death and resurrection.The lesser resurrection has shown forth the greater resurrection; the lesser death has illumined the great death." (Mesnevi, V/1781-96).Since we are experiencing a kind of death by sleeping and waking, then we must take lessons from this and must prepare ourselves to meet death:"Beware, O you who regard death! Surpass one another (in dread of death)! Quick, O you who regard the Resurrection! Vie ye with each other in hastening.Whosoever deems it (death) to be (lovely as) Joseph gives up his soul in ransom for it: whosoever deems it to be (like) the wolf turns back from (the path of) right guidance.Everyone's death is of the same quality as himself, (my lad): to the enemy (of God) an enemy, and to the friend (of God) a friend.In the eyes of the Turcoman the mirror has a fair colour; similarly in the eyes of the Ethiopian the mirror is (dark as) an Ethiopian.Your fear of death in fleeing (from it) is (really) your fear of yourself. Take heed, O (dear) soul!This is your (own) ugly face, not the visage of Death: your spirit is like the tree, and death (is like) the leaf.It has grown from you, whether it is good or evil: every hidden thought of yours, foul or fair, is (born) from yourself." <>
Salı, Mayıs 09, 2006
Harry Belafonte
Down the bay where the nights are gay
And the sun shines daily on the mountain top
I took a trip on a sailing ship
And when I reached Jamaica
I made a stop
But I'm sad to say
I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down,
my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town
Down the market you can hear
Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear`
Akey' rice, salt fish are nice
And the rum is fine any time of year
Sounds of laughter everywhere
And the dancing girls sway to and fro,
I must declare my heart is there
Pazartesi, Mayıs 08, 2006
Ayrılıkta Sevdaya Dahil
Ayrılıkta Sevdaya Dahil
Acilmis sarmasik gulleri kokulariyla baygin
En gorkemli saatinde yildiz alacasinin
Gizli bir yilan gibi yuvarlanmis icimde kader
Uzak bir telefonda aglayan yagmurlu genc kadin
Ruzgar uzak karanliklara surmus yildizlari
Mor kivilcimlar geciyor daginik yalnizligimdan
Onu cok ariyorum onu cok ariyorum
Heryerimde vucudumun agir yanik sizilari
Bir yerlere yildirim dusuyorum
Ayriligimizi hisettigim an demirler eriyor hirsimdan
Ay isigina batmis karabiber agaclari gumus tozu
Gecenin irmaginda yuzuyor zambaklar yaseminler unutulmus
Tedirgin gulumser
Cunku ayrilik da sevdaya dahil
cunku ayrilanlar hala sevgili
Hic bir ani tek basina yasayamazlar
Her an otekisiyle birlikte hersey onunla ilgili
Telasli karanlikta yumusak yarasalar
Gittikce genisliyen yakilmis ot kokusu
Yildizlar inanilmiyacak bir irilikte
Yansimalar tutmus butun sahili
Cunku ayrilmanin da vahsi bir tadi var
Oyle vahsi bir tad ki dayanilir gibi degil
Cunku ayriliklar da sevdaya dahil
Cunku ayrilanlar hala sevgili
Yanlizlik hizla alcalan bulutlar karanlik bir agirlik
Hava agir toprak agir yaprak agir
Su tozlari yagiyor ustumuze
Ozgurlugumuz yoksa yalnizligimiz midir
Eflatuna calar puslu lacivert bir sis kusatti ormani
Karanlik coktu denize
Yanlizlik cakmak tasi gibi sert elmas gibi keskin
Ne yanina donsen bir yerin kesilir fena kan kaybedersin
Kapini bir calan olmadi mi hele elini bir tutan
Bilekleri bembeyaz kugu boynu parmaklari uzun ve ince
Simsicak bakislari suc ortagi kacamak gulusleri gizlice
Yalnizlarin en buyuk sorunu tek basina ozgurluk ne ise yarayacak
Bir turlu cozemedikleri bu olu bir gezegenin soguk tenhaligina Benzemesin diye ozgurluk mutlaka paylasilacak suc ortagi bir
Sanmistik ki ikimiz yeryuzunde ancak birbirimiz icin variz
Ikimiz sanmistik ki tek kisilik bir yalnizliga bile rahatca sigariz
Hic yanilmamisiz her an dusup dusup kristal bir bardak gibi
Tuz parca kirilsak da hala icimizde o yanardag agzi
Hala kipkizil gulumseyen sanki atesten bir tebessum
zehir zemberek ASKIMIZ
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